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Research groups and researchers in microarray analysis:

Terry Speed's Microarray Data Analysis Group Page
Center for Bioinformatics and Molecular Biostatistics (UCSF)
William F. Christensen (Statisitcal Science, SMU)
Gary Churchill (Jackson Labs)
Rebecca Doerge (Statistics, Purdue U)
David Elashoff (Statistics, Stanford)
Rudy Guerra (Statisitcal Science, SMU)
Tom Kepler (Statistics, NCSU)
Hongzhe Li (School of Medicine, UC Davis)
Bob Mau (Genetics, UW Madison)
Peter W Munson (NCI)
Michael Newton (Statistics, UW Madison)
Bill Shannon (Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine)
Rob Tibshirani (Statistics, Stanford)
Mark van der Laan (Biostatistics, UC Berkeley)
Russ Wolfinger (SAS Institute Inc.)
Wing Hung Wong (Statistics, Harvard)
Fred Wright (Human Cancer Genetics, OSU)
Huibin Yue (Incyte)
Lue Ping Zhao (Fred Hutchinson CRC)
Wolfgang Huber (National Cancer Research Institute of Germany)

Professional Organizations:

International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
American Statistical Assocation (AMSTAT)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMSTAT)
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)
National Center for Genome Resources


Stanford Genomics Resources
Stanford Microarray Database
NCI microarray page
National Cancer Institute Array Home Page
Resources for Microarray Research
Web Resources for Biotechnology

Data Analysis:

Whitehead/MIT center for Genome Research
Analytical Biostatistics Section, NIH
Laboratory of Statistical Genetics, Rockefeller University